Sunday, October 18, 2015

BoJack Horseman

This netflix original series had season 1 come out in 2014, and season 2 in 2015. The show has been renewed for a third season to come out sometime in 2016. But for now we just have the first 2 seasons to review. Each season has 12 episodes for a total of 24 (with a Christmas special). Each episode is 24 minutes or so.

The series follows BoJack Horseman. An anthropomorphic horse which was a 90s family sitcom star. Now however he is a washed up drunk trying to figure things out. Season 1 starts with BoJack attempting to write a memoir about his life. He soon hires a ghost writer, who is someone who listens to the stories of your life, then writes the book for you. But remains anonymous on the book itself generally. He quickly falls in love with her, only to find that she is dating the person he hates the most, Mr. Peanutbutter. Who was another 90s family sitcom star on a show quite similar to BoJack's. 

The show touches on some political issues as well as some basic hollywood ones. One of the biggest being how child stars end up becoming drug addicted crazy sluts. Others include the ridiculousness of actors agents and the cult that is Improv. 

The second season starts with the ending, Then goes back to show how it all happened and fits together. Like how a full sized boat ends up in his swimming pool and more. This is rather confusing when watching it for the first time because it takes a few minutes to realize that its all a flashforward. It just has the feeling like I am missing so much of the story right now. But then you get to the second episode that you finally realize what it all was.

Then there is season three. Be prepared for a horribly depressing season. Everything turns out to be Bojack's fault. But there is a season long joke that is ridiculous and funny. 

The shows animation is rudimentary, but it often has entertaining things in the background. As well as basic jokes and scenes that shows more anthropomorphic animals and how even though they are humanoid, they still are the animal. 

The show was simplistic, but still enjoyable. In the end it only receives a 7 out of 11. Still good enough to watch though.

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