Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Future Diary

This is a story I think I will have difficulty fully describing. But we have 26 episodes with the option of English Dub. The show came out in 2011-2012. In Japanese the show is Mirai Nikki.

It all starts out with a friendless boy named Yuki. He created some imaginary friends, except they turned out to not be so imaginary. Deus Ex Machina("God in the Machine") who is the God of Time and Space. Deus bestows him with a Future Diary which as the name implies, tells him his future. At first he just uses it to his advantage with normal kid stuff like getting the answers to tests. But it turns out there are others with Future Diaries.

Deus had set up a Game with 12 people all with their own types of Future Diaries. They must fight to the death. The reward for winning is replacing Deus as God. So the fight begins.

Yuki is joined by Yuno, a girl who is obsessively in love with Yuki. He goes between being creeped out and enjoying her company over the course of the show. But she is important for his survival in this game of death.

Eventually Yuki makes some other friends after narrowly surviving some intense scenarios. Even after his school is bombed and a whole bunch of dogs try to eat him. But Yuno doesn't like him having friends outside of her.

Without trying to give anything away, things get super crazy and fucked up around episode 20. The show goes into a whole new way by adding some elements that change everything. Of course there were hints from the beginning about it, but trust me when I say that you are not prepared for the stuff that goes down.

This was a surprising and thrilling show with a lot of psychological moments. It earns a score of 10 out of 11.

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