Thursday, October 25, 2012


I figured I would start with a review of a show that touched a lot of hearts, and fucked a lot of brains. This show lasted 6 seasons with a total of 121 episodes. In case you are unfamiliar with the show...

The show is about the survivors of Ocean Flight 815. Mystery as to how the plane crashed and what to do to survive is a constant. 48 survivors. The island they are trapped on is at first thought to be uninhabited but as time passes they discover all kinds of crazy shit. For instance the "Hatch" in which lives a man known as Desmond who has to push a button every 108 minutes or a catastrophic event will occur. (World will end?) Or the multitude of "deserted" research stations upon the island. And of course "The Numbers!" 4 8 15 16 23 42. And "the others" or other people on the island. The show reveals bits of the main characters pasts piece by piece with the use of Flashbacks. But then in season 4 we see all kinds of Flashforwards to the main characters having gotten off the island. The show had mild nudity, mild language, drug use, and mostly medium gore. The acting is pretty good for the entire series. There were a few times that i was less than impressed but also times when i was incredibly impressed by the acting. Special effects i would rate as mostly good. Sound effects and music i cant help but say were fantastic. They kept you engaged, and i never found them to be distracting. Each episode is about 42 minutes.

First off I absolutely loved the entire series(except the fucking spider episode. Season 3, episode 14 Expose) Every episode left you with more questions than answers. It kept the millions of viewers guessing, and almost every time being incorrect. And yet even as my question list increased so did my love of the show. The multitude of mysteries like coincidence and fate, or the constant battle there seemed to be of faith vs. science. Friendships are formed, love triangles and squares and a whole bunch of other shapes with multiple sides occur. Enemies become allies, and allies become enemies. Hallucinations, visions, and hearing voices all happen just to add another WTF aspect to the show. Some characters die heroically while some die comically but in extremely gruesome ways. For me and quite a few others the worst death was of Charlie Pace. A beloved drug-addicted musically sensational hobbit. But the best part of the show for me was the numbers that i previously mentioned. 4 8 15 16 23 42. Seemingly random numbers but seeing as they end with the answer to life the universe and everything they could mean more. These numbers come up pretty constantly. Seen on the hatch, a crazy persons obsession, lottery number, and the list goes on. But the part that is personally the most fascinating is the value these numbers take with certain people. Most of the characters kind of just ignore them. But for lovable and curiously always fat Hugo "Hurley" Reyes. These numbers follow him, they are a curse in disguise as a gift.

The series finale was to say the least, interesting. It was the kind of thing where viewers either loved it or hated it. There was not much in between. I personally enjoyed it quite a bit. It had the feeling being the end without the what was the point of that. The creators knew how they were going to start and end the show from the very beginning. Everything in the middle was moment by moment. Of course my personal belief is all they knew was that they wanted to start with An eye opening and end with an eye closing. But that is just my correctly humble opinion. But the end is extremely different from how the rest of the show operated. But it worked, they had action, mind-fucks, and endless possibilities. Of course now that i write that sentence i realize that was exactly what pretty much every episode was...Anyways everybody dies. Kinda. A bit. maybe. Well its one of those points in the show that is up to interpretation. As i watched the show i had one huge fear that the entire show would end with one of the characters waking up and the entire show having just been a dream. Luckily that is not what happened.

In the end i find that J.J. Abrams satisfied my television addiction quite well. I would have to give this show a 10 out of 11. (i just like the number 11, and seeing as this is all my opinion i can set the high point to whatever i want).

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